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    Get Caverns of Mimas  for Android devices, PC , iPhones (no longer on iTunes) and Mac (no longer on iTunes).

  • You've been locked away.
    Can't really remember how long or why any longer.
    No one ever comes down here.
    Why would someone leave an unsupervised spaceship?
    You'd be stupid not to take this chance.
    Time to leave.....

  • You steer a spaceship trapped on the moon Mimas and need to find your way to the exit.

  • Collect all the orb-keys needed to open the caverns exit..
  • Pick up different kinds of ammunition along the way to ease your journey. Avoid enemies or intentionally collide
     and hope your ship can take more damage than theirs! Figure out how to get out of the cavern

The aim of the game is to complete all 25 levels as flawlessly as possible.

Some of the enemies you might meet along the way